Monday, December 21, 2015

Paper accepted at ICASSP 2016!

Our math paper entitled: "LOCAL Q-LINEAR CONVERGENCE AND FINITE-TIME ACTIVE SET IDENTIFICATION OF ADMM ON A CLASS OF PENALIZED REGRESSION PROBLEMS" has been accepted for the ICASSP 2016 signal-processing conference (the largest in the world). The conference will be held at the shicc (Shanghai Convention Center).

Author manuscript available upon demand.

Exact minimization of the linearly perturbed distance of a point to a closed convex set

Let $a, b \in \mathbb R^n$, and $C$ be a nonempty closed convex subset of $\mathbb{R}^n$ with $a \not \in C$. Consider the problem $$\text{minimize }\|x-a\| + b^Tx\text{ subject to } x \in C.$$ The case $b = 0$ corresponds to the well-known problem of projecting the point $a$ onto $C$. This problem can be easy or difficult, depending on the geometry of $C$ (for example, the latter problem is rather easy if $C$ is a diamond-shaped polyhedron, or an oval). However the perturbative case $b \ne 0$ is completely non-trivial and must be treated rather carefully. That notwithstanding, we show here that the case $\|b\| < 1$ is essentially equivalennt to the non-perturbative case $b = 0$.